Today's Dare
Remove anything that is hindering your relationship, any addiction or influence that's stealing your affections and turning your heart away from your spouse.My day today started off really early in the morning and was going really well, but took a turn for the worst about midday. I went to my husbands to visit and we ended up fighting over something that I wouldn't let go off and I over reacted about. We both ended up yelling out of frustration because we weren't understanding each other's sides. I knew that I couldn't leave there with us being mad at each other (especially after having such a great day with him yesterday), so I stayed for awhile. It was awkward silence. After a long while... I felt guilt and pride and knew I had to apologize and he should to. I did my part and said I was sorry I overreacted out of an old issue that I just needed to let go of and stop feeling like I needed to have control over. He said he was sorry too and we were able to hug it out and he gave me a kiss and I cried a few tears and told him that this was something I'm trying to work on with myself, control....ugh! I hate it! I went home feeling a little better but still in a "funk". I read my bible for awhile and focused on my dare for the day. This was a heavy one...I text him and shared with him that it was something I felt both of us should do to move forward.
It explains that this also extends to any people in your life that could be harmful or poisonous to your marriage. This was one dare that turned my stomach because of my trust issues. I let him know about it and what was meant innocently, turned into a 2 hour texting fight. There was a lot of pride and ego in that conversation and a lot of hurt from the past brought up. And it didn't end well....
I know I probably could've brought it up at a better time, but I had no idea the conversation was going to go in the direction it did. I felt more hurt and frustration and just wanted the day to be over. We ALL have things in our lives that take away time from our spouse. Whether it's Facebook, Internet, TV, sports, entertainment, our cell phones or even friendships. Seeds of doubt that others put in our minds is poison for our marriage. We may not even realize the damage until it's too late. I am incredibly guilty of putting other things before my husband. Putting my time and energy into things that aren't important, rather than investing that time into my marriage and meeting my husbands needs. This is a great struggle for many people.
The lesson I learned today is this: If we hurt each other in ANY way, we need to make sure we SINCERELY apologize and make sure we try our best to heal our spouses wound. Even if we think we didn't do anything wrong. Our spouses hurt is a valid emotion of theirs that we need to take seriously. I feel a lot of resentment from past hurts and so does he. We need to learn to nurture our spouse back to health and become strong again as individuals and as a married couple.
Protect and love your spouse!
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