Today's Dare
Choose a way to show honor and respect to your spouse that is above your normal routine. It may be holding the door for her. It might be putting his clothes away for him. It may be the way you listen and speak in your communication. Show your mate that he or she is highly esteemed in your eyes.Since starting the Love Dare, I have been following the dares on the website:
To my surprise, I see mostly couples that are broken up, marriages that are ending and one of the spouses (like myself) takes on this big journey of one last thing that will hopefully save their marriage....sound familiar? It's sad to read their journals everyday, because I see our marriage in every single hopeless, broken story. You can feel the desperation, deep pain and longing of the one trying so hard to hang on to the one last thread that's fraying quickly, the only thing holding them together is about to snap. Please read them if you get the opportunity. They are 1st hand accounts of marriage today. The honest reality is painful, but there are glimmers of hope. God's light shining through and healing hearts. People trusting and surrendering to love more than they ever have in their lives.
Today, I saw my husband for just a short time, but asked him a serious question. I told him I really respect his opinion and even though he thinks I'm not listening at times, I do.
I asked him how he used to keep himself focused on Gods word and stayed "on fire" for The Lord and kept that passion and intimacy consistent everyday. I told him there are days I wake up feeling so "Christ centered" and others days, I feel so far away from God.
He said, "I've had those days too and on the days when you feel far from God, it's because you are. You aren't keeping Him as your focus and you're doing things your way, not His. To stay focused and "on fire" for our Lord is very difficult and takes a lot of work. It's takes discipline. Our marriage will never be back together until you learn to completely sacrifice yourself to Gods will and trust Him."
They were heavy words to leave with. A lot to digest and think about. My husband is really wise (and stubborn, haha!) He has already gone through where I am now, this journey of complete surrender to trust in God's will for your life. He lost his way as well, but he knows what it takes to get there again. I have learned so much from him and continue too all the time. I look up to and respect him for so many reasons.
I miss my best friend, my partner. I'm glad that he will always be a part of me, to continually teach me. Even through the heartache.
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