Today's Dare
Prepare a special dinner at home, just for the two of you. The dinner can be as nice as you prefer. Focus this time on getting to know your spouse better, perhaps in areas you've rarely talked about. Determine to make it an enjoyable evening for you and your mate.
When we start to date someone, we want to find out all we can about them. Their likes, dislikes, dreams, goals, habits, etc. But after we win their heart we often times get stagnant and stop pursuing to get to know one another anymore. We lose interest and let the business of life get in the way of us "courting" our spouses.
I have had so many couples tell me the same tip of advice on marriage.
This seems pretty easy, but the excuses that stop this from happening start piling up:
Finding a sitter, do we have money to go out, we are tired from a long days work, we had an argument and now we don't want to be around each other, etc.
If I could change anything about my marriage in the past, it would be to go on more dates with my husband. To yearn to want to get to know him more. How he's changing or anything new that he's learning. Because we are constantly evolving and changing and so do our interests.
I'm not able to bring my husband out on a date on this specific night, so I planned something for the following week and let him know in advance that I'd like to take him out to dinner. At first, he said he didn't know and to ask him closer to the date, but he seems to have changed his mind just recently and told me he would. That made me so excited! Now I want to go above and beyond and make it really special! Honestly, the last time we had a night alone was in May 2013. We stayed at a really beautiful Inn by the ocean in Half Moon Bay, Ca. for our wedding anniversary. We were gone exactly 24hrs. and during that time I can't even remember how many times I was texting our friend that was watching our son to "check in" on everything. Because he is diabetic, we rarely leave him with anyone. We are slowly learning to trust a few very close friends and teach them how to give insulin shots, count carbs, etc. That night was amazing and I would love to have many more like it, but we have to make it a priority and not an option, it has to be a MUST!
In the last few days, I can see a huge difference in my husband. He has told me that he is allowing God to allow him to open up more and he has been more affectionate! Little things like sitting by me on the couch (instead of 3ft. away), putting his hand on my leg, hugging me more and actually initiating kissing me (which is a miracle in itself! Thank you Jesus! haha!) For some couples, you would think this isn't a big deal, but they are HUGE steps! I know its not easy for either one of us to be vulnerable, it hasn't been for me, even when he was rejecting my love everyday. I know the strength isn't coming from him, its all the Lord's work. This didn't happen easily, and its going to take a lot of time to get us back to where we need to be. It has all been God working through us!! Being obedient and surrendering to His will. It has gotten us so much further than doing it our own way. I have so much trust in the Lord, and want to strive to keep moving forward to be more intimate with my Savior, allowing the Holy Spirit to work through me everyday and in every situation.
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