Today's Dare
Think of a specific way you'd like to greet your spouse today. Do it with a smile and with enthusiasm. Then determine to change your greeting to reflect your love for them.I have been waking up each morning with a renewed spirit, a purpose and a willingness to receive Gods love and his lessons for me that day. I honestly have been excited for the new day and what He has to teach me, eager to be His vessel of good work and example of what being "Christ like" really means. I am by no means perfect in this demonstration and have stumbled and will keep stumbling. When you allow yourself to be lead in a direction that is only for His glory and doing it with good intention and a willingness to be obedient to whatever it is that God is asking you, then even when you stumble, you can pick yourself up MUCH easier.
Today's dare is pretty simple, greet your spouse with enthusiasm and a smile....easy enough.
I actually have been doing this everyday and making sure that I stay positive around him, even when I'm hurting deep down. It's not necessarily putting on a fake front, but through your kind actions, you change from the inside out. I now am generally happier! We can only be truly healed if it's from the inside out! I posted a link to one of my favorite songs talking about this exact thing below, it's beautiful!
Think about it this way, who honestly wants to come home to their spouse throwing up all their problems on them the minute they walk in the door?? I have been guilty of this sooooo many times! I'm so relieved the minute he walks in the door because I'm absolutely exhausted from the house work, daily errands, kids screaming, changing poopy diapers, have dinner ready, laundry done, and I'm trying not to fall apart at the seems... As a mom, this is a daily accurance and then it just starts all over again the next day. It's like being stuck in the movie "Groundhog Day" but with all of the above being thrown at you. Yeah you're lucky if you get time for a shower and brush your teeth....you know what I'm talking about ladies!!
My husband has told me many times how he wants to be greeted when he gets home from a long day at work, sacrificing time away from his family to provide for us. He just wants to be loved! He wants a hug and a kiss. He wants to be greeted by his kids and see how their day went. Yes, he wants to hear about your frustrations and how you got peed on while potty training your son, but not in the first 5minutes he walks in the door. Give them time to breathe and sit for a second.
Your greeting and mood that you're in sets the mood for the rest of your evening that you get to spend together. So let's all try to make it a habit to greet one another with love, encouragement and let them feel valued and important. :)
From the Inside out- Hillsong United
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