Today's Dare
Determine to become your spouse's biggest fan and to reject any thoughts of jealousy. To help you set your heart on your spouse and focus on their achievements, take yesterday's list of negative attributes and discreetly burn it. Then share with your spouse how glad you are about a success he or she recently enjoyed.Today was a roller coaster of emotions. But I learned a big lesson through it....
As you can see first thing in the morning, I burned the list I made of negative things about my husband. I prayed with the list in my hand and asked God to help me release it and LET IT GO. I watched as it just burned away and didn't exist anymore. I felt a lot of peace afterwards.
I think we need to use this more often as a daily practice in our minds, just burn it away and let it go. The negative only exists in our minds if we hold onto it. If we keep it hidden to take out on another day as ammunition, because it's a deadly weapon!
As the day went on, we actually spent some alone time together, which was a huge step for both of us and I really enjoyed it! We didn't talk about our relationship, we just enjoyed being around one another (with no arguing), which was what we both needed.
Last week, I had made us a marriage counseling appointment at our church and told him that I would respect his decision to come or not. He wasn't too happy I did that without asking him first, but I told him to just think about it. I was trying to take the initiative to do something to help both of us work through some problems from the past, so they don't have to keep coming up or bothering us and the past can be the past. That was my only intention...
He told me a few times that he probably wasn't going to show up because he wasn't ready, but since things have been really civil between us and we had just spent time together earlier in the day, I thought for sure he would be there. A 1/2 hour before our appointment, he text me and told me he wasn't coming. I was devastated! My expectations weren't met and I was really upset! We got into a little back and forth over text and he explained why, but I was still upset. I was disappointed.
So, I went alone.
When I arrived, I was so flustered and just about cried, but I didn't. We prayed and talked about everything and when I left, I felt a lot better. Yes, it would've been nice to talk through some of the things that have been blocking me from moving forward, but I can't rush him. I have always wanted to fix things right away, but that's another of Gods lessons for me right now....patience.
On the way home, I called and told him I was sorry for being upset, I was just disappointed. But I understand.
Then, the lesson hit me....look at what happened today!? We actually spent quality time together and I need to focus on that achievement and not let one disappointment overshadow that.
Burn the negative away and LET IT GO!!
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