Today's Dare
Commit to reading the Bible every day. Find a devotional book or other resource that will give you some guidance. If your spouse is open to it, see if they will commit to daily Bible reading with you. Begin submitting each area of your life to its guidance and start building on the rock.Reading the Bible everyday can seem like a pretty easy task, but it falls short of reality sometimes. Talking with other women of faith, they seem to have the same struggle as me...it comes and goes in spurts to stay in Gods word on a daily basis. Life gets busy, we let other things come first before God and before you know it, the week has come to an end and we haven't opened up our bibles once.
If you're anything like me, you noticed that week was full of anxiety, full of stress, short tempers and not at all "godly". Why does such a little task of reading gods word for 5 or 10 minutes a day seem so hard and so big, that we put it on the back burner to do later?
Maybe because we don't want to be convicted, maybe because we don't want to change, maybe because we know there's something better, but it takes work, hard work and it's scary! It can be heavy, yes I know this first hand. God speaking to us isn't something to take lightly, it's life changing if we allow it. I hold back from God a lot, sometimes thinking I don't deserve His love and therefor don't deserve the positive changes in my life He wants to give me. I don't allow the change to happen on His time and try to do it alone. Then I get to a point where I'm overwhelmed, overtired, emotionally exhausted and at my breaking point. That's when I know I'm relying on myself too much. I know all this and still don't allow myself to rely on Him fully, knowing that that will be the outcome.
The beautiful thing about Gods love though is that through my faults, selfishness and pridefulness of thinking, "I got this!", He allows me to fall and stumble, only to come back to Him with open arms waiting for me to admit I need help, over and over. He is always constant. He is always there. This is a lesson I'm relearning over and over and maybe one day it will stick...hopefully.
As far as this specific dare, I have finished the love dare a couple weeks ago but haven't been keeping everything updated on here regularly. I'm getting back into my daily bible reading and trying harder to allow it to guide me. I haven't asked my husband to do a daily bible reading together because we don't communicate well at the moment, maybe that will come later though hopefully! I know he is trying hard to stay focused though and be in the word, I'm not worried about that. Just need to stay focused on myself and the work God is doing in me.
I'm a child of a King, always loved, no matter what.
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