Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Get your booty movin'!!! Fitness Videos Playlist!

After talking with a few of the girls on my team this week, we all had one thing in common...the holidays toooottallly threw us off our game!! YOU ARE NOT ALONE!! Im right there with ya trying to get my booty back to working-out everyday, especially after being sick for almost a week over Christmas... So, heres a couple things I have to share that I sent to them and now sharing with you all as well, and hope it will give you a little motivation and help you through the hurdles....
2. You do NOT have to go to the gym to get your work-out in! 
No excuses people! I have 2 kids, run a full time business from home, am incredibly busy all the time, so I wake up an hour before my kids, workout for 20-30 min in my living room 4 days a week and I'm done for the day. Thats it! Super easy! You dont need expensive videos or a gym membership, just a space and an able body and mind!

YouTube is my fave go-to place for any type of workout and best of all, its all FREE!!! So, even if you cant find anything you prefer on my personal playlist, there is something for everyone on YouTube!
My favorite videos to work-out to are:

My personal YouTube Fitness Videos Playlist: (Over 100 videos for you to choose from!)

Tone It Up girls Karena and Katrina in Manhattan Beach, Ca. (SoCal! Woot woot!!)
I may have a soft spot for them because I lived in Manhattan Beach for 8 years and everytime I watch their videos on the beach, it makes me miss my old stopping grounds and well, they are just super fun and awesome!
Blogilates by Cassey Ho- She has a super awesome "Extreme Abs" video on my playlist that is a killer! (you have been warned! haha!)

BodyRock- This website has some incredible workouts perfect for men and woman! They also have a website full of healthy recipes and everything you need for your healthy lifestyle! It helps that Jacqui has my dream bod that I aspire to have one day! #fitspiration

Burpee Queen- My fellow teammate and friend Kelly Mase!

This super Mom and personal trainer will get your booty into shape quick with her down to earth, very quick videos straight from her home! She keeps it real and is so funny! Love you Kelly and thanks for always keeping our team in top-top shape!

Follow me on Youtube: Fit, Balanced ISA-Lifestyle:


Cosmic Kids Yoga- We LOVE Cosmic Kids Yoga! Heres a full playlist of a ton of fun yoga videos for your kids to keep them active as well!  Best work out with your kids is to DANCE IT OUT!!! Put on fun music and dance with your babies!! It always guarantees laughs and good exersion of all that extra energy they have! - I learned about this website from my daughter. She mentioned to me they learned about it in school and she was really excited about it! It is such a great site for many different exercises and music that get kids moving and is super fun!!

Healthy Recipes-
Here's a master list of all my fave go-to websites for healthy meals, snacks & shake recipes!

Post Work-out Recovery-

Recovery after your work-outs is just as important as the work-out itself. Stretch those torn muscles out and then heal them with high quality protein! You will have alot less muscle soreness the next day and flood your body with optimal nutrition! 
My favorite protein drink on the planet is Isagenix Isalean Protein shakes! They provide organic, grass-fed whey protein, loaded with amino acids, live-active enzymes, tons of great vitamins, minerals and macro-nutrients for a full meal replacement! 
Also- gluten free, soy free, Non-GMO, dairy free and taste amazing! 
Our whole family enjoys the great nutritional benefits from these shakes!

9 Reasons I chose Isagenix (From an RN, certified Health and nutrition coach & Yoga instructor)

Lets get moving!!!


Isagenix Crystal Manager
Follow me on Instagram: fit.balanced.isalifestyle

Laugh, have fun and be silly!!

Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Healthy Muffin & Bread Recipes!

  Working in the health and wellness field, I get a lot of questions about, "What can I eat?"
My response is always, "Everything is moderation! If you feel you are depriving yourself of something you enjoy, you will most likely binge on it at some time. what you love, just smaller portions."
As we go into the new year, I wanted to share some of my favorite go-to recipes from my own cookbook (hence the pics, literally taken out of my cookbook!) and hopefully it will make your morning a little bit easier as you're rushing around getting ready for the day.
Also, a great tip- Preparing meals and snacks ahead of time will not only save you time, but save you unwanted calories!
One thing I love is muffins and cake! So here's some of my favorite muffin recipes and also a breakfast favorite, Egg Salsa Muffins! They are super-protein packed, easy and stay fresh for days in the fridge! Best of all, most of these are kid-approved! Get them baking with you, the more they are involved, the better chance they will love them!

Happy Baking!

PS- I absolutely LOVE Cassey Ho!
Here is an amazing list of her healthy recipes for every meal! There is surely something for everyone on here!

Leave your comments below with any faves that you have as well!
(Click on picture for bigger display if you are having trouble seeing written details)

Saturday, December 27, 2014

Gluten-Free Kitchen Must Haves!

 Today, I had a dear friend of mine contact me and desperately needing advice on the gluten free lifestyle. She requested a list of Gluten Free items to pick up, soo it got me thinking about when we first had our son diagnosed with Celiac Disease earlier this year. How much of a frantic, anxiety filled state I was in. Having no idea what gluten really was or feeling like I had been unknowingly poisoning my child for God knows how long with sweet desserts and wheat grain bread..but it was organic! Oh, the horrors that were running through my mind! What had I done?!?!
Well, after the fear of, "What the heck can I feed my child who is already Type 1 diabetic?!" wore off... I got to work.
  I scoured the internet and as my eyes crossed nightly in a gluten-free abyss. I have since learned that you literally have to take it one recipe at a time. Over the course of this year and many trial and errors of having things turn out terrible, we have new family favorites and substitutes for old family recipes. We also live in the best time ever to have received this challenge. With almost every grocery store now providing more Gluten free options and its more accessible, this makes it alot easier than even 5 years ago.
My friends phone call inspired me to put together a master list of items for must-haves in your gluten-free kitchen! I know if I would've found this earlier this year, it would've saved me alot of time, stressful moments and money! I know if she is thinking of it, it has to be on other peoples minds as well! We are all here to help each other on this journey of health improvement the best we can! Hope this list helps make your gluten free days a little easier! I know Im probably missing some amazing must-haves, so pleeeaase leave your faves in the comments below! :)

Here's some of my GF kitchen must haves, as well as some healthy alternatives :
  • coconut flour
  • Almond flour (best deal at costco)
  • GF Baking flour (Red Mills is a great brand)
  • Quinoa
  • Rice (brown, jasmine, white or wild)
  • Corn or rice pasta (trader joes has the cheapest and best)
  • Xantham gum (baking aisle)
  • Quick rising yeast packets (for homemade pizza dough)
  • Corn Flakes (to crush up and use as breadcrumbs for recipes, also fried chicken, etc.)
  • Organic Gluten Free Old-fashioned Oats- (can blend and make oat flour)
  • Coconut Oil ( A must, I use this in everything!)
  • Maseca (Instant Corn Flour)
  • UDI's Gluten Free Bread, bagels, pizza and muffins
  • Rudi's Gluten Free Bread (GF bread products are usally found in the freezer aisles, just fyi)
  • Gluten Free Beer- Apple Ciders usually - A must, of course!
  • Gluten Free Taco Seasoning ( yes, some seasonings have gluten in them..ugh!)
  • Potatoes of any kind

GF Cereals:
  • Corn Flakes
  • Post Pebbles- Cocoa or fruity
  • Chex
  • Kix
  • Rice Crispies
  • Natures Path cereals (our favorite is panda puffs and koala crisp)
  • Trader Joes and Costco have a great selection of really yummy GF cereals!

Sugar alternatives: ( All can be a replacement for white sugar)
  • Applesauce- no sugar added (great for baked products if you want them extra moist!)
  • Truvia
  • Local honey (also great to combat allergies!)
  • Real Maple Syrup
  • Agave Sweetener
  • Almond Butter
  • Dark Chocolate Chips

 Also, my sons special dietary needs has inspired me to grow in my knowledge of health & nutrition and I've since become a Health & Wellness Coach for a nutritional company called Isagenix. It provides organic, gluten free, Non-GMO nutrition, which has been a huge help for our family! Especially great for optimal nutrition for busy lifestyles! My kids love it and I know they are getting the best nutrition possible!
For more info check out my webinar below, as well as a great article for reasons why I chose Isagenix for our family, over many other nutritional companies.

You can contact me at:
Find me on Instagram: gluten_free_fit_momma
Isagenix For Healthy Parents & Kids:
9 Reasons I chose Isagenix (From an RN, certified Health and nutrition coach & Yoga instructor)

Friday, December 26, 2014

Delicious Gluten-Free Cookie Recipes! Perfect for the Holidays!

  Sooo, I know its a day after Christmas and the Holidays are coming to an end, but these delicious recipes I personally made (and are all kid- approved) can be made anytime and cook book worthy! I found these online and tweaked them a little to my specifications. I have found it very difficult to find a REALLY good gluten-free cookie recipe, so when I find one, I cherish it like gold! My husband is the hardest critic and he even commented on how good they tasted for being gluten free! These are copies out of my personal cookbook, so I hope you all enjoy them and leave your comments below! Happy Holidays everyone!

  PS- My husband, son and I spent 3 hours baking cookies on Christmas Day and brought them to the local firehouse for the few men that had to work on Christmas Day. It's sorta become a ritual since we live across the country from our families. We really enjoyed it, especially Parker! The fireman let him up in the different trucks and took out some of the tools they use and showed him how everything works before they had to rush off for a call, definitely worth the hours of baking for them! :)

Friday, August 22, 2014

Begin again...

  Everyday I want to sit down and blog. I have so much to say and have no idea where to start! That's what happens when you procrastinate I guess. Haha! I have so much to do, that I just don't do it because it seems unbearably overwhelming, but still looms in the back of my mind everyday, on my "to-do list".
So this is me, just getting down to business and catching up with you all as much as I can get out of myself at the moment.
  A lot has happened with our family this summer, well I should say- this year. Period. We have gone through more health problems with our son (He is 3 and has Celiac Disease and Type 1 Diabetic) and we have gone through the worst year of our marriage as a christian couple, being separated for 6 months. With that came complete brokeness and we both dealt with some really dark days full of depression, anger, resentment, sadness and worst of all, completely falling away from God. I can't speak for his struggles, but only my own and this being my blog, I can only share with you, my perspective.

   In January of this year, after 3 years of a struggling marriage, we separated. I moved out (to me, it was always temporary) it was to give us some space to breathe and calmness for our family, until we "figured it out". What ended up happening was worse than I could have ever imagined at the time. We ended up hurting one another for the next 6mo. worse than we ever had and more than we did that led up to the separation in the first place. We were both we hurt each other.
 (Ever heard that saying, "hurt people. hurt people"- Its true!.)

  I ended up going going through a deep depression (months of christian based counseling ended up helping alot). Anger, resentment and hurt became my best friend. It was so deep, I felt like I was never going to heal. Months of crying myself to sleep because I just wanted my family back together and everything to be healed again. What I didn't know at the time is that God was bringing us through deep, deep valleys of darkness. He was teaching me that I needed to be completely broken, so my only option was to rely on Him. That's when I started writing alot. I started the Love Dare for my husband (and myself) and it took me a long time to finish it, but I finally did! In the first couple weeks of doing it, my heart was changing alot. I was becoming a lot closer to God and feeling the Holy Spirit all around me and starting to heal from His presence, keeping myself open to whatever it was He was asking of me (most of the time, that was doing acts of kindness for my husband, even when I didn't want to. He also saw a big change in me as well.) I never realized how truly healing it is to do something out of pure kindness for someone else. Why don't we do that more? Because we are selfish at heart.We refrain from doing something for others, unless we are getting something in return.  I wish that wasn't true, but it is.

  During this time of us being separated, I also went through alot of family struggles. I felt like I was being flooded with struggles from every direction of my life. It pulled the rug out from under me and I completely lost focus on what I was doing for my marriage. I got mad at myself so much, because I should've stayed stronger and I was so weak. I completely lost my way and it still hurts me that my personal struggle with losing my strength in my faith went so far off the path.

  I would love to say that through all these personal struggles that I stayed focused on God, that I never lost my faith, that I never got mad at God, that I always treated my husband with love and respect, that I always read my Bible and prayed daily, that I kept God as my stronghold, that I kept my promises, that I kept it "all together", that I stayed humble, that I did everything that God asked of me and was an example of Gods healing grace for us....but I can't. If I did, it would be a lie.

  The reality is... I stayed focused for awhile, then completely lost myself to my emotions when more struggles kept piling up. I took things into my own hands and out of God's. I lost control. I was prideful. I was hurtful (at times, on purpose). I let other things take my focus away from my marriage and of God. I let anger and resentment rule my days. I got angry with God for "allowing" all these things to happen to me and my loved ones. I lost me....

  What I didn't know then was... that God was molding me. He was allowing me to become completely broken, so He could heal me. To show me that through all the pain, He is constant and always waiting for me to come back to Him. He was teaching me patience. He was showing me that stress comes from wanting to make things happen before its the right time. That it is through problems and failures, weakness and neediness that I had to learn to rely on Him. That I NEED TO LET GO and give up control! To not be emotion lead, but be spirit lead. That God was setting a scene for something far greater than I could ever planned.
  Now, 7 months later from the beginning of one of the most difficult times in my life, God has healed our home! We are now living together again and our family is united as one! It wasn't anything either one of us did to "fix it", it was ALL God! We both had to go through our own separate struggles, be derailed off of His path and find our way back home to Him. I'm not saying saying everything is perfect and blissful, we still have disagreements, but we have learned God's healing power and grace when we surrender to Him. We have had some great conversations, laughing with one another again, family dinners and outtings,  and sleeping in the same bed with my husband is the best feeling in the world! The comfort of his presence near me has brought so much healing.
I write this personal journey to share with you all that God will never show us the twists and turns of our journey, but He will fully equip us for whatever the journey brings....
Always remember to focus on that small sliver of light in the darkness, He is always there.

This song has carried me through my journey and still gives me goosebumps EVERY.SINGLE.TIME I hear it! The words have now become such a part of me, engraved in my heart and I love that my son requests that Mommy sing this to him every night... :)

Oceans by Hillsong United

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Isagenix Protein Shake Recipes

 If you are reading this, it means you are most likely a part of our Isagenix family!
So happy you are here on this journey!
This post is strictly just for Isagenix shake recipes, but if for some reason you've come across this and are not a part of Isagenix, Im so glad you're here checking this out!

As a family, we have decided that Isagenix was the best choice for's WHY.
Its organic, grass-fed protein concentrate (highest quality protein available), non-GMO, soy free, gluten free, no artificial sweeteners or ingredients, low-glycemic & with dairy free options. It provides our body with optimal nutrition through nutrient dense food.
By far the most nutritious shake we found for the best value ($2.87/ per organic meal!) yes, you read that correctly! 

It is not a secret that our fruits and veggies are nutrient deficient and full of harmful chemicals, which makes our bodies nutrient deficient and all those chemicals go directly into our bodies causing numerous harmful side effects and diseases. 
(Read UCLA Spinach study below)

There are alot of  "meal replacement/protein shakes" out there, but I have yet to find anything as nutritionally comparable.
 What I've learned is that most "meal replacement shakes" out there (not all) contain soy or other poor quality protein blends, which include GMO's, artificial ingredients and high amounts of hormones. Many protein shakes also cannot be considered a FULL meal replacements because of their lack of calories & nutrients.

If youd like more info on my story and how Isagenix has improved our familys health and wealth, please click here...

To find out more information, how to improve your health and wealth, & receive the wholesale pricing stated above- please contact me at:
UCLA spinach study (soil depletion):

*The shakes below do not have specific measurements because everyone prefers different consistencies of their shakes. 
Also, you can add your amount of ingredients to your taste preference, these are just ideas and guidelines.  I prefer to use a handful of ice, and do 12oz of liquid, instead of 8oz. as it says on the containers, then blend. (All personal preference)

The best time to have a protein shake is within an hour of waking up and immediately after your workout. This helps to rebuild, recover and repair those muscles!

The importance of nutrient timing from Dr.Paul Biondich!
#605.475.4099  PIN 318011  code 80 
I'd love to hear from you if you have any favorites as well! Hope you enjoy!

Disclaimer- None of these shake recipes are from Isagenix. If weight loss is a major goal for you, decrease calories and mix with just water. :)
           This Chocolate shake is supercharged with your greens & yummy PB and dark 
chocolate flavors, such a great way to start your day!
                                  Add your favorite fruit and avocado is super yummy and creamy!

               For all you coffee lovers! I LOVE this one! Chai Tea Lattes are my fave and this tastes amazing!!  Add 2/3rd Chai to 1/3rd Vanilla Almond Milk.

On this specific brand (Tazo), I use 1/2 cup Chai and 1 cup Almond Milk with Ice- Blend

                Add 2 scoops or one whole stick of "Want More Energy" or Orange "Replenish" to your vanilla shake. The Orange flavor added to the vanilla shake tastes like an orange dreamsicle, its delish!

                        Add your favorite coffee creamer to your chocolate or vanilla shake to add
 a hint of different flavor!

Tropical shake- You can even add some sweetened coconut flakes!

Our New Shake- Strawberry Cream! Mix with Vanilla Almond Milk or OJ!

I add about 12 oz of milk, 2 ice cubes, and a splash of coconut creamer and blend!

Monday, August 4, 2014

Isagenix Journey!

  Quite a few of you know that in April of this year, I started my journey with Isagenix- A cleansing, nutritional system. A close friend of mine sent me a care package of this organic, gluten free, Non-GMO food for my son (who is diabetic and has celiac disease) and I both to try. We loved it and our whole family uses the food now. It's been a huge blessing in my life for so many reasons! I've gained lean muscle faster than working out alone, have more energy throughout my entire day, sleeping better, my skin has improved and I feel so much better over-all! I actually WANT to work out several times a week now because I have the energy to do it! The list goes on and on!
  Since starting, I've been educating myself on the importance of nutritional cleansing, adding supplements to our healthy eating habits, eating organic and truly knowing what we are putting into our body and our kids bodies.
 I've been blessed to share this with many close friends and family members and have an amazing team rapidly growing! Its been so awesome to see the friends that have joined me on this journey get just as excited about their results as I have, losing weight, getting off of medications, improving health and feeling better than they have in so long! That's the greatest feeling in the world, to really be able to help others begin to love their bodies and the way they feel about themselves inside an out! It truly is such an amazing gift to share!
I have set some high goals for myself this year and one of them is to come home from my part time job permanently. To be able to be home with my son and "work" from home helping others improve their life and their families lives! To not miss out on any more family dinners because I'm rushing off to work and missing out on things I hear about when I'm coming home late at night. I'm choosing something different, I'm choosing something better! I'm only 4 months into my journey and I'm 1/3rd of the way to my income replacement goal! I find that absolutely incredible and encouraging for every stay-at-home Mom who's family is struggling financially and they feel like they don't have an option to work, if you want the change bad enough, you WILL make it happen with no excuses. It does take sacrifice and work, just like anything else, but the reward is so well worth it!
We CAN create the life we want, not the life we are told we have to have and be content with. 
So don't be surprised if you see recipes and blog posts about my journey, because this is just the beginning!
To find out more information on how to improve your health and wealth, please contact me at

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Gluten Free Pumpkin Spice Cupcakes w/ Cream Cheese Frosting

My friend Heather made these delicious and super moist cupcakes for our recent church bake sale and they were amazing! I begged her for the recipe right away and have since made them 3 times! By far one of THE yummiest cupcake recipes (especially for gluten free!) that I've ever tasted! 
                                                  I know you will love them as much as I do! 

Gluten Free Pumpkin Spice Cupcakes w/ Cream Cheese Frosting

1 cup Almond flour (or any type of gluten free flour of your choice)
1/4 teaspoon xantham gum
1/2 teaspoon baking powder
1/2 teaspoon baking soda
1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1/2 teaspoon ground cloves
1/2 teaspoon Pumpkin Spice (optional)
1/4 teaspoon salt
3 large eggs
1/2 cup Truvia Baking Blend Sugar
2/3 cup canned pumpkin puree
1/2 cup unsweetened applesauce

1 pkg. (8 oz.) cream cheese, at room temperature
1/2 cup Honey (depending on sweetness and your taste)
6 tablespoons butter or margarine, softened
1 teaspoon vanilla extract


oven to 350° F.
COMBINE flour, baking powder, baking soda, cinnamon, cloves, pumpkin spice and salt in small bowl. Beat eggs and sugar in large mixer bowl until thick. Beat in pumpkin and applesauce. Stir in flour mixture. The mixture will be more liquidy than what you're used to for a batter, but that's what makes it super moist! Spread evenly into sprayed muffin tin. *Sprinkle with nuts (optional)

BAKE for 8 to 15 minutes or until toothpick inserted comes out clean. For regular muffin size bake 8-10min, for large muffin pan bake 12-15min (all time depends on your oven). Cool on wire rack. 

Beat cream cheese, honey, butter and vanilla extract in small mixer bowl until smooth.  Chill frosting in fridge while cupcakes cool completely.  Fill the frosting into a ziplock baggy and then cut the corner to neatly frost the cupcakes.  I dare you not to eat this straight out of the bowl by the spoonfuls, sooo delish!!!

After the cupcakes are done and frosted, put them in the fridge until ready to serve. Enjoy!!

Monday, July 28, 2014

Family Trip July 2014

  My family and I just spent 3 weeks back home where my husband and I grew up in Northern Minnesota. The Iron Range. Where the mining industry has been the main source of living for families of many generations and everyone knows who you are in the small towns of about 3000 people. Not much changes and you can always stop by your neighbors house unannounced, feel welcomed everywhere you go and people rarely lock their doors. Where kids still play outside, getting dirty till the street lights come on. Where I love hearing, “Supper will be ready soon, go wash up and grab some pop out of the fridge if you’re thirsty.” I used to hate my Minnesota accent so much when I moved to California that I trained myself to stop saying words that would give a way where I was a transplant from. I fought against the grain of my upbringing and now I wish more than ever I still had it (the accent usually comes back thick as molasses after a few days back home). 
  My husband and I try to make it home atleast twice a year, but it can be very expensive (especially with 2 kids.) My husband and I were apart most of the trip and spent time with our own families after we spent the 4th of July festivities together, which is a huge celebration in our small town! Its amazing how many thousands of people come from all over the states just to experience it! My family is very spread out, so I had a more challenging time having to travel a lot more and spending hours driving all over the state seeing family in different areas, whereas my husband just stayed at his parents, helping out on the farm. So, with 3 weeks, I was able to see family I haven’t seen in about 10 years and visit everyone on my list for a few days each, before I was on to the next house. Living out of my suitcase in my trunk for 3 weeks isn’t what I would call relaxing at all, but the moments I got to share with my loved ones was well worth it!
  I found that even when I wasn’t having a conversation with someone, just being in the same room with them, brought a certain sense of grounding and centeredness. Being able to spend quality time with my best friend, filling each other in on one another's lives, laughing and reminiscing about our travels and high school stories. I was finally able to watch my 3yr.old son playing and bonding with cousins he’s never met and growing in his relationships with his family he rarely ever gets to see. It’s something as a child I always took for granted, to have my cousins around and we all grew up close, but as we got older, life got busy and we all parted in different directions. I’m able to relive those moments of my childhood through my son. Moments of sitting at the dining room table having late night conversations over coffee (Minnesotans drink it at all times of the day/night there) about life, family, and advice. Pouring out our frustrations, sorrows and life lessons. I learned more about my families history and was reminded over and over again how truly important it is to stay connected to the only thing we will ever have in this life…our families love. We will disagree, argue, bicker, disconnect, laugh, share and get on each others nerves, but we will always love one another and come back to each other.
  I had a few moments where I stopped and I was actually taken back and had to let the importance of the moment that I witnessed stay fresh in my memory as long as I could. To record it in my mind.  Moments that most wouldn’t even capture as “note-worthy”, it’s just normalcy and everyday behavior, but to me it was rare moments of love and life long companionship. Watching my Grandparents serving one another with little things the other likes and kissing each other goodnight. Listening to them reminiscing about us kids when we were younger and laughing, completing each others day from the moment they wake up till their day is done. Camping with them and having my Grandpa make his infamous pancakes on the grill for all us kids! They taste the same as when we were little kids, smothered with peanut butter and REAL maple syrup! My Grandpas pancakes have always been something ALL of us kids look forward to, even as adults. It’s nothing fancy, it’s just the morning ritual of all of us sitting around the picnic tables, waiting for our turn to get breakfast. The act of just being together and it’s like nothing ever changed from when we were younger (except there’s a few more kids now). Also, listening to the way my Aunt and Uncle pray together, complimenting one another and sharing in their amazing love for God. Retelling of stories of troubled times and how they wouldn’t still be married if it wasn’t for their complete surrender to God’s path for each of them and their marriage and seeing the light in both their eyes as they talk to one another, enjoying every new day and embracing the new changes that are happening in their lives at the moment.  Being able to be there when my brother brought his son camping for the first time ever and showing him “the ropes” on how to do everything. Instilling lessons in him that he will carry into adulthood.  
  I was able to spend a very special weekend at my Moms house out in the country with my brother and sister. It was the first time in about 6 years that she had all her kids home (plus 2 grandsons) at the same time. It was definitely a fun, busy 3 days! We had a lot of laughs and great home cooked meals! Making S’mores watching the kids run, laugh and play the same way we did when we were little. 
So many memories have been made there over the years, it’s like you just pick up where you left off, no matter how much time has gone by.

I have so many memories and special moments with people that I will cherish from this trip. Our lives get so busy and our kids grow so fast! We forget how important it is to make these moments a reality. We all work hard and life gets busy. It’s so easy to forget that the reason we work so hard is to enhance our happiness and feel fulfilled. Looking at these pictures and remembering that the effort to get there is all worth it and always remembering to create the life you love with the people you love!


Thursday, May 15, 2014

Gluten-Free Broccoli Cheesy Bites

My sons favorite veggie at the moment is broccoli, so he was pretty excited about this one when I showed it to him on Pinterest. He picked it out himself and said, "Let's make that one Mom!" So we found the recipe and tweaked it a little to be gluten free, since he has recently been diagnosed with Celiac Disease. He helped make them and most importantly, we both REALLY LOVED them! You can play with whatever spices you prefer, I used a lot of different ones, but make it your own! We also used a little ranch to dip em' in. I'm sure there are some better dips that this would be great with! Have fun with it and enjoy!!

Gluten-Free Broccoli Cheesy Bites:

-3/4c. Gluten Free Flour
-1/4c. Cornmeal
-16oz. Bag of broccoli Florets- Diced (I used frozen and ran under warm water to thaw out)
-1 1/2c. Shredded Cheddar Cheese (or whatever you prefer)
-3 Eggs
Season with spices of your choice

Mix all ingredients together in large bowl, heat olive oil in your pan on medium heat and make palm size "patties" and place in pan until golden brown on both sides. Makes about 14.

Here's the original link I found on Pinterest for reference:

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Love Dare: Day 26 Love is God's Word

The Love Dare
Today's Dare
Commit to reading the Bible every day.  Find a devotional book or other resource that will give you some guidance.  If your spouse is open to it, see if they will commit to daily Bible reading with you.  Begin submitting each area of your life to its guidance and start building on the rock.

   Reading the Bible everyday can seem like a pretty easy task, but it falls short of reality sometimes. Talking with other women of faith, they seem to have the same struggle as comes and goes in spurts to stay in Gods word on a daily basis. Life gets busy, we let other things come first before God and before you know it, the week has come to an end and we haven't opened up our bibles once.
If you're anything like me, you noticed that week was full of anxiety, full of stress, short tempers and not at all "godly". Why does such a little task of reading gods word for 5 or 10 minutes a day seem so hard and so big, that we put it on the back burner to do later?
Maybe because we don't want to be convicted, maybe because we don't want to change, maybe because we know there's something better, but it takes work, hard work and it's scary! It can be heavy, yes I know this first hand. God speaking to us isn't something to take lightly, it's life changing if we allow it. I hold back from God a lot, sometimes thinking I don't deserve His love and therefor don't deserve the positive changes in my life He wants to give me. I don't allow the change to happen on His time and try to do it alone. Then I get to a point where I'm overwhelmed, overtired, emotionally exhausted and at my breaking point. That's when I know I'm relying on myself too much. I know all this and still don't allow myself to rely on Him fully, knowing that that will be the outcome.
   The beautiful thing about Gods love though is that through my faults, selfishness and pridefulness of thinking, "I got this!", He allows me to fall and stumble, only to come back to Him with open arms waiting for me to admit I need help, over and over. He is always constant. He is always there. This is a lesson I'm relearning over and over and maybe one day it will stick...hopefully.
    As far as this specific dare, I have finished the love dare a couple weeks ago but haven't been keeping everything updated on here regularly. I'm getting back into my daily bible reading and trying harder to allow it to guide me. I haven't asked my husband to do a daily bible reading together because we don't communicate well at the moment, maybe that will come later though hopefully! I know he is trying hard to stay focused though and be in the word, I'm not worried about that. Just need to stay focused on myself and the work God is doing in me.
I'm a child of a King, always loved, no matter what.

Friday, May 9, 2014

Love Dare :Day 35 Love is Accountable

The Love Dare
Today's Dare
Find a marriage mentor - someone who is a strong Christian and who will be honest and loving with you.  If you feel that counseling is needed, then take the first step to set up an appointment.  During this process, ask God to direct your decisions and discernment.

    I feel incredibly blessed to have a small group of girlfriends that I can go to for anything, but mostly for Spiritual advice. Especially since my separation from my husband in January. I have been careful not to stray out of my "sister circle" to get REAL advice. Other people may know my circumstances, but they don't know my heart and who's advice and guidance I take to heart has to be very selective. I've had to learn this the hard way. Just because you are close with someone, doesn't mean they have the best advice to give you. 
For a long while, I was tremendously worried for my husband spiritually. I still am. He had become so withdrawn from me (and still is to a point) and seemed to be becoming a complete stranger to me. A man I once knew to light up a room with his love, carefree, funny personality, was gone. His eyes seem empty sometimes still and the further I try to pull him back, the further he pulls away. He has admitted to me in the past since our separation, that he stopped reading his Bible, stopped seeing his "Christian brothers" on a regular basis and stopped staying connected in the church and drew away for a time because he became mad at God. When I heard this, my heart broke. I understood his hurt and I wanted so badly just to hold him and tell him that everything's going to be ok and we're going to be fine. But we both know that would be a lie. We don't know anything. 
    He has just recently started getting connected again to church, which makes me really happy, but there is still so much distance between us. We have started going to marriage counseling through our church again for the past month and a half and it seems to help us get some issues out on the table and tell our side and sort through all the "junk" and the other person has to listen without interruption. I love going, even if it's heavy and it doesn't end cheerfully, (I always end up crying at some point), even if we don't come to a complete resolution, atleast its one time every other week that we can completely hear each other out. It's effort and for that, I'm grateful. We aren't at all where I would like us to be yet. I have requested to move back in multiple times and invited him over for dinner or family time on a weekly basis and the answer is always, no. It hurts my heart and I feel like I'm just torturing myself repeatedly. Honestly, I don't know if there will be the happy ending that I want so badly and I guess I have to accept that that may be a reality, but I'm not going to give up. I will always let him know he's loved and admired by his wife, even when he doesn't want to hear it. Having our mutual friend as our marriage counselor is helpful because he is completely honest and biblically teaches us what Christ asks of us through our marriage. It's a tremendously difficult thing to be broken down and hurt repeatedly by the one person in the world you gave yourself to as a life partner and go through the process of forgiveness and heal to love one another...again. To find the purpose in the pain that has happened and use it to strengthen us, our marriage and our family.
   I will never give up hope.
"Sometimes relationships grow stronger through conflict. But other times relationships end. Because I can't control the other person, I must keep focusing on the good God is doing in me through this, and leave the outcome with Him." -Lisa TerKeurst